睿傳數據股份有限公司 Cohesion Data

In the dynamic realm of healthcare technology, Cohesion Data emerges as a beacon of innovation. Guided by a vision to unleash the full potential of healthcare experts and become the most reliable medical artificial intelligence partner, Cohesion Data is dedicated to refining products with perfection and empathy. Their Digital Health Platform, HealthBee, focuses on expert services, aggregating user health data for AI big data health risk assessments and creating a comprehensive health ecosystem. Another pioneering product is their Medical Imaging Aided Disease Detection System, addressing the surge in medical image interpretation needs with advanced AI technology.

International College's Master's Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics (SMARTMHI) collaborates seamlessly with Cohesion Data to offer an exclusive internship opportunity to all students in the program. This collaboration serves as a crucial bridge between academic knowledge and practical applications in cutting-edge healthcare technologies. Through this internship, students gain hands-on experience with Cohesion Data's state-of-the-art products, contributing to the evolution of healthcare solutions. SMARTMHI's commitment to such industry partnerships ensures that students are not only well-versed in theoretical concepts but also equipped with the practical skills required to thrive in the rapidly advancing field of healthcare technology. Together, SMARTMHI and Cohesion Data are nurturing the next generation of healthcare leaders and driving innovation in the healthcare technology landscape.

For the regulations of internship application methods, please refer to Smart MHI Website: Click

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Smart MHI