Unlock Boundless Opportunities at International College

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in applying to National Taiwan University's International College (NTUIC). Our college offers interdisciplinary academic programs that address world-leading issues, internationally recognized faculty, and diverse teaching methods.
Learn more about the application cycle, admission process, and scholarships opportunities for our programs.

Required Documents
Tuition and Scholarships

Our dedicated programs address pressing global issues, foster problem-solving skills, and align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). See what we offer:


We embrace diversity and welcome students from both Taiwan and around the world. Before diving into the application process, ensure that you meet the specific eligibility requirements for your student category, and follow the application method accordingly:
*** The Global Undergraduate Program in Semiconductors only recruits international students only.

Eligibility Check

Click here for more information.

General Requirements
◉ Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited college or university (master's programs only)
◉ English Proficiency at CEFR B2 (Vantage) or above (please refer to English Proficiency Test Comparison Chart)
− Not required for applicants from English-speaking country
− Not required for applicants whose previous degree was obtained from an English-speaking country
− Not required for applicants whose previous degree was conducted in English (proof required)
★ English-Speaking Countries (+)
Australia 澳大利亞
Bahamas 巴哈馬
Barbados 巴貝多
Belize 貝里斯
Botswana 波紮那
Canada 加拿大
Dominica 多米尼克
Federated States of Micronesia 密克羅尼西亞聯邦
Fiji 斐濟
Gambia 甘比亞
Ghana 迦納
Grenada 格瑞納達
Guyana 蓋亞那
Ireland 愛爾蘭
Jamaica 牙買加
Kenya 肯亞
Kingdom of Eswatini 史瓦帝尼王國
Lesotho 賴索托
Liberia 賴比瑞亞
Malawi 馬拉威
Namibia 納米比亞共和國
Nauru 諾魯
New Zealand 紐西蘭
Nigeria 奈及利亞
Philippines 菲律賓
Saint Kitts and Nevis 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯聯邦
Saint Lucia 聖盧西亞
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 聖文森及格瑞那丁
Samoa 薩摩亞
Seychelles 塞席爾共和國
Sierra Leone 獅子山
Singapore 新加坡
Solomon Islands 索羅門群島
South Africa 南非
South Sudan (Republic of) 南蘇丹共和國
Trinidad and Tobago 千里達及托巴哥
Tuvalu 吐瓦魯
Uganda 烏干達
United Kingdom 英國
United Republic of Tanzania 坦尚尼亞聯合共和國
United States of America 美國
Vanuatu 萬那杜
Zambia 尚比亞
Zimbabwe 辛巴威
Required Documents

Once you've confirmed your student category, you can begin the application journey by collecting all the necessary documents. Find the checklist below:

International students
◉ Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
A Chinese or English translation is required if the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English.
◉ Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
◉ Autobiography or CV
◉ Study Plan, Statement of Purpose, and Research Plan
◉ English Proficiency Certificate
◉ Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable)
Please attach copies of supporting materials.
◉ Working Experience (+) (if applicable)
Including company / organization, title, responsibilities and period of employment.
◉ Recommendation Letter x 2
◉ Receipt of the Application Fee Payment (NTD 2,000)
◉ Declaration and Authorization Form
◉ Financial Statement (+)
A bank statement showing at least NT$200,000 (US$6,000) in savings deposit.
◉ Passport (if applicable)
◉ Taiwan Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) (if applicable)
◉ Photograph (+)
In color and less than 6 months old, showing a close-up shot of the head and shoulders, and without wearing a hat.
Overseas Chinese, H.K., and Macau students
◉ Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
◉ Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
◉ Autobiography or CV
◉ Study Plan, Statement of Purpose, and Research Plan
◉ English Proficiency Certificate
◉ Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable
Please attach copies of supporting materials.
◉ Recommendation Letter x 2
◉ Receipt of the Application Fee Payment (NTD 1,500)
Taiwanese students
◉ Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
◉ Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
◉ Autobiography or CV
◉ Study Plan / Statement of Purpose / Research Plan
◉ English Proficiency Certificate
◉ Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable)
Please attach copies of supporting materials.
◉ Recommendation Letter x 2

Beware of the application timelines, follow the guide, and submit the application by designated deadlines.

Important Dates

International students

2025 February Entry (2024)

*Only Global ATGS, MPB and MDR3 open for application

2025 September Entry | 1st Round


2025 September Entry | 2nd Round


Online application starts

August 5, 2024

October 4, 11am, 2024

December 16, 11am, 2024

Online application deadline

October 3, 2024

December 5, 2024

February 13, 2025

Admissions & scholarships decisions release date

November 29, 2024

February 13, 2025

April 22, 2025

Admitted students reply deadline

December 6, 2024

February 20, 2025

April 29, 2025

Final decisions release date


February 27, 2025

May 6, 2025


Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students

(GUPS Program only; others TBA)

2025 September Entry (2024)

Online application starts

August 5, 2024

Online application deadline

October 3, 2024

Admissions & scholarships decisions release date

December 19, 2024

Admitted students reply deadline

December 26, 2024


Taiwanese students

2025 September Entry (甄試)


2025 September Entry (考試)


Online application starts

October 3, 2024

November 28, 2024

Online application deadline

October 10, 2024

December 5, 2024




Admissions & scholarships decisions release date

November 20, 2024

April 22, 2025

Admitted students reply deadline

November 26-28, 2024

April 22-29, 2025

Application Procedures

 International students 

            Create an account and fill in your personal information

Please remember the email address used for applying, as you will need it to log in to the system to modify application information, upload documents, and check your application status and results.

            Select the department

Each applicant may apply to up to five departments/graduate institutes. Where an applicant receives more than one admission offer, they can only choose one department/graduate institute to enroll in.

            Upload documents

Students who are graduating in the current year should submit the provisional graduation certificate or the certificate of enrollment officially issued by the school. Also, after completing the online application, the system will generate a payment form, please make the payment by bank remittance and upload the receipt to the system after the payment has been completed.

            Recommendation letters

The recommendation letters must be written in either Mandarin Chinese or English. The recommender may choose to fill in the online recommendation letter (recommended option) or upload a scanned file of the recommendation letter. We request 2 recommendation letters and applicants will only be able to submit the application after the letters have been uploaded, please ensure your recommender uploads them within the designated time frame.

            Examinations and interviews

Some departments require interviews, please refer to each department’s website for more information.

            Result check and reply to offer

Online Application System

(not yet open) 2024 February Entry

(not yet open) 2024 September Entry (1st Round)

(not yet open2024 September Entry (2nd Round)

 Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students 

            Fill out the application form and priority list online

Each applicant may apply to up to four departments/graduate institutes.

            Submit the application online

If you are currently in Taiwan, please choose "In-Taiwan Overseas Chinese Student" while filling in "Region" Column

            Mail the application form to Local Taiwan Embassy Office or Overseas Community Affairs Council Office

Print out the application form in three hard copies, and mail to Local Taiwan Embassy Office /Overseas Community Affairs Council Office. If you are currently in Taiwan, please mail them to Committee Office in Nantou County.

            Upload documents

Applicants are required to upload all the review documents to the system by the designated deadline.

            Examinations and interviews

Some departments require interviews, please refer to each department’s website for more information.

            Result check and reply to offer

Online Application System

(not yet open) 2025 September Entry

 Taiwanese students 

            Create an account and fill in your personal information

            Make payment

Make the payment by bank remittance and upload the receipt to the system after the payment has been completed.

            Upload documents and submit the application

            Examinations and interviews

Some departments require interviews, please refer to each department’s website for more information.

            Result check and reply to offer

Online Application System

(not yet open2025 September Entry

Tuition and Scholarships

Tuition fees vary depending on your student status, and are billed each semester (1 academic year consists of 2 semesters). Graduate students pay full tuition for the first 2 years, and only basic tuition from the third year on. At International College, we also offer a range of financial aid and scholarships opportunities to assist students in funding their education.

Tuition fees (NTD/ semester) (planned)

M.S.  in Global ATGS

Full Tuition

Basic Tuition

International students


Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students



Taiwanese students



M.S. in MPB

Full Tuition

Basic Tuition

International students



Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students



Taiwanese students



M.S. in Smart MHI

Full Tuition

Basic Tuition

International students



Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students



Taiwanese students



M.S. in MDR3

Full Tuition

Basic Tuition

International students



Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students



Taiwanese students



B.S. in GUPS

Full Tuition

credit fees

International students



Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau students



Taiwanese students




Recipients who fail to register, have not physically enrolled, apply for retention of admission status, leave of absence, or withdrawal, and who are deemed by the scholarship committee of the college and each program as no longer eligible for the scholarship in a given semester will have their scholarship qualifications revoked.

Students who have been awarded both Taiwanese Scholarships (MOE or MOFA) and College or Program Scholarships must select one to retain. Recipients are not permitted to receive both scholarships concurrently.

1. NTUIC scholarship

院獎學金 (1).png

2-1. M.S. in Global ATGS scholarships

Global ATGS.png

*Global ATGS scholarships recipients shall meet the following criteria to receive the scholarship:

(I) Possess the visa that is for the purpose of pursuing the degree of Global ATGS.

(II) Register and enroll and remain on active student status in the semester.

The Guidelines for Global ATGS Scholarship: Click here.

SEARCA website: Click here.

2-2. M.S. in MPB, Smart MHI, MDR3 scholarships

MPB, Smart MHI, MDR3.png

The Guidelines for MPB Scholarship: Click here.

The Guidelines for Smart MHI Scholarship: Click here.

The Guidelines for MDR3 Scholarship: Click here.

3. Government Scholarships

Click here for more information.

4. NTU Scholarships

Click here for more information.